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Unity’s been around since 2005, and in that time it’s grown from a OS X only game engine to a cross platform engine for games, software and interfaces. Unity’s an incredibly powerful platform for both seasoned developers and amateurs alike. In this guide I’ll be using files created with Unity 4. Unity 5 beta is still in development, and I’ve no idea if any of these methods will work with version 5.

Reverse Engineering Unity3D Files (Decompiling)


Unity is a video game development platform that's gone from being the preferred option for indie developers (owing to its ease of use and low cost) growing into the industry powerhouse it is today for everyone from indie devs to major studios like Obsidian and InXile. Warcraft III clone in Unity 3D. Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Akonkagva1, Apr 15, 2014. Joined: Jul 29, 2012 Posts: 3.

First off you’ll need some tools.

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QuickBMS for extracting the .unity3d file.
This script, used with QuickBMS to extract the .unity3d file.
disunity to extract .assets files.
dotPeek to decompile and view .dll files.

Now with all of those downloaded and extracted/installed, you need to get yourself a unity3d file. This procedure is the same for every unity3d file, no matter what platform it’s for. So go grab yourself one of those. In this guide I’ll be using one I downloaded from a game that’s in development. They use Unity as a front end for their login system.

So first things first, you’ll want to put your .unity3d file, and the bms script in the same folder, just for ease of use. Then run quickbms.exe.

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quickbms will ask you to select the script you want to use. Select the one you downloaded.

It’ll then ask you to select the unity3d file you want to extract.

And finally it’ll ask for a directory to extract the files to. Select whatever you like, for this, I’ll just go with the quickbms directory.

And there we have it! You can go ahead and use dotPeek to examine the dlls, but I’m more interested in what’s in the .assets files.

Now, there’s two ways to do this, but I find the easiest and quickest way is to select your unity3d file, and move it to the same directory you extracted disunity to. We can use disunity to extract all the assets within a unity3d file. The reason we didn’t just do this first is disunity ignores the dlls, and other directories that might be in there.

Now, shift right click in explorer, and select “Open command window here”.

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Now the command used to extract the unity3d file is very simple disunity extract filename.unity3d

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disunity will now extract whatever assets are within the unity3d file. Depending on the filesize, this could take anything from a few seconds to a few minutes. Once it’s done, navigate to the folder it created, and enjoy all your wonderful assets. Depending on what you got your unity3d file from, there could be nearly anything in here, including 2D and 3D assets, fonts, shaders, audio, text files, who knows!

Thanks very much for reading through this, and if you’ve any questions or comments, let me know.

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